501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization 🐾
How To Donate?
Why Donate?

All Star Pet Rescue is a non profit organization which is committed to providing quality support to the dogs in our care.

Please select one of the options below to make a donation to All Star Pet Rescue. Donate Online Donate by Cash or Check Donate Through Amazon Smile Donate Your Car
Donations can be sent online through PayPal.

Check donations can be sent to our P.O box.

All Star Pet Rescue
PO Box 301
Linden, NJ 07036
Support our mission by shopping through Amazon Smile.

Help us by donating your used car.

Used car donations to DonationLine can help support our mission!

To donate, click on the link below and select "All Star Pet Rescue Inc" when filling out the form.

Donate Your Car